Still proudly independent

No contracts, an hour of free off-peak power everyday and flexible billing.

Our plans include cheaper power off-peak, to help your wallet and the environment.

Hitting pause on power

Due to skyrocketing wholesale energy prices, we're not taking on new electricity customers right now.

No contracts

No break fees. No catches.
If we do a good job, then you'll have no reason to leave right?

Flexible billing

Pay weekly, fortnighly or monthly on the day that that works for you. Just another way were making it better.

Shift and save

Electric Kiwi plans offer cheaper off-peak power. The more you move off-peak the more you can save!

Free hour of off-peak power daily.

Pick any hour between 9am to 5pm or 9pm to 7am every day.

All electricity used during that hour is free each day. Change your hour as often as you like.

Calculate savings

See how much you could save on power with Electric Kiwi.

The future looks Green

We're passionate about our part in the energy transition.

Our roadmap has the interests of Kiwis at the forefront,
not just profits.

Check prices

Check out our rates and plan options.

Going EV?

Fill ’er up for half price at night with MoveMaster (11pm-7am). Plus we have a range of exciting partnerships to help you get the most from your EV.

The nitty-gritty

Head to our FAQ page if you have a burning question that isn't covered here.

Delve into the T&C's if you're feeling the legal vibes.

Need better mobile and broadband?

Look no further, we have you covered.