3 easy tips to kick your free power savings off

1. Get a timer or use your appliances in-built timers.

This is a must-do! Plug-in appliance timers start from under $5 for a simple version, or you can get wifi gadgets such as the WeMo switch, which allow you to turn on and off appliances from anywhere via an app.

2. Washing machine  - set the timer or turn on during your free hour.

3. Dishwasher - set the timer or turn on during your free hour.

If you did those last two just 5 times a week, you’re already getting 10% of your power for free. Nice!

Keen to save even more? How about:

4. Dryer- set a timer or turn on during your free hour.

5. Dehumidifier – set a timer or turn on during your free hour.

6. Charge devices - plug in phones, tablets, laptops (don’t forget to switch off at the wall once you’re done).

7. Take a shower or a bath – hot water heating is a major source of electricity use.

8. Vacuuming – more fun when the power’s free (hey, we’re trying to find a positive!)

9. Ironing – Ditto.

10. Cooking – bake or get tonight’s dinner on the go.

11. TV – sometimes we all need a little break from the kids/work/chores.

12. Heat pump/heaters - get the house toasty before the kids get home from school.

13. Heat panels – get the bedrooms toasty before bed.

14. Electric blanket – warm up before you snuggle down.

15. DIY – charge up power tools or plug in and get reno-ing.

16. Gardening – use for electric hedge trimmers and lawnmowers.

17. Spa/pool – set the pump timer to maximize your free hour.

18. Fans – cool down your room on those humid summer evenings.

19. Christmas/party lights – get festive for free.

20. Have a drink on us – power up your juicer, coffee machine, Nutri-Ninja, or blender on the house.